(((((Azaria)))))) I was so sorry to read this- I must've missed it before...I think you sound as though you coped very well with it all. and did your best in difficult circumstances at the funeral-it's wonderful when our children show such insight at times like this,is'nt it?
That's down to your fantastic parenting.You sound as though you have beautiful. caring children..
I can empathise with you as I lost my own (very cold) father 7 months ago- but his personality did'nt make the loss any easier-in fact , it made it more difficult than my lovely mother's death as there were many 'unfinished' things that- as in your situation- could now never be addressed- which can make it all alot harder to deal with.I find it difficult to visit my mothers grave now as he's there too...
if you ever want to talk just send a message ; pm me, and i'll give you my messenger addy or my email address or phone number...I really hope you're ok and I know it's said so much- but time does make everything easier to cope with and later when you look back you can understand the way they behaved a little better...
i'm so happy to hear you had a bolt hole-the cottage sounds lovely, and i'm glad you have lots of people around you who obviously care about you SO much, like we all do...
take care of yourself, don't forget that, will you? (((((((((i'll be thinking of you )))))))
termite xxxxxxxxxxxxxx